British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course
Looking take your practice to the next level?
The British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course 1 is perfect for those who wish to deepen their yoga practice and their knowledge of the theory and philosophy of yoga, develop a sustainable home practice and practice different aspects of yoga including pranayama (breathing practices), mudra, kriya, bandha and dhyana (meditation) to name just some of the subjects covered over the course of 10 months. The foundation course is also an ideal precursor to yoga teacher training.
Join me on this accredited 60 hour course, certified by the BWY, covering all aspects of yoga. The course covers practices and topics that aren’t usually included in a general yoga class and is suitable for anyone who has had a regular yoga practice (in any style or tradition) for a minimum of 2 years.
There is no written work required, students are just asked to maintain their regular practice throughout the course and keep a personal practice journal which will be outlined in the first session.
The next course is due to start in September 2025, you can register your interest above.
The course will cover a brief history of Yoga and familiarise you with the Sanskrit names of techniques on the syllabus. We will also look at the names/definitions of the different paths of Yoga along with other topics.
On the course we will look at many philosophical aspects of Yoga including Prana and the Pranic Body, the Chakras and the 8-limbs of Yoga including the Yamas and Niyamas.
Each of the 10 days will explore a group of Asana in depth including forward bends, backward bends, sidebends, balances, seated postures – (suitable for breathing/concentration practices),
natural spine alignment, posture sequence – Surya Namaskara (Salute to the Sun) and inversions.
The course includes an overview of anatomy relating to Yoga including the mechanics of breathing and the musculo-skeletal system looking at joint and muscle action.
Advanced Yoga
The Foundation Course also covers many advanced practices that aren’t normally taught in a general yoga class including, Kriya, Mudra and Chanting.
The BWY Foundation course covers all of the basic breathing and Pranayama practices including, the full/complete Yogic breath. The use of breath when staying in postures, ratio breathing, Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana and Bhramari.